ABOUT PG Development Microfinance Plc.


PG DEVELOPMENT PLC. is a financial institution which is established in early of 2017 and registered its business license with Ministry of Commerce No.00024896 dated 25 April, 2017 and received financial incorporation license No. MF-84 dated August 11th, 2017 from National Bank of Cambodia. Institution is established in the purpose of facilitation the financial need to people who are unable to find the source of fund to create, upgrade and expand their business.


During the undertaking year, PG MFI focused on agriculture loan and supported small business as well as the poor purposely to contribute government’s strategy on poverty reduction. PG MFI try its best effort to support household for better living standard.


At following year, PG MFI start concerning build up internal control and governance. Within the year, the Internal Audit had been set up and controlled. The policy and procedure has been reviewed. PG MFI focus too much on customer demand and provide customer with appropriate and convenient product.


Within 2020, Compliance function is the crucial key challenge for PG MFI. However, Head of Compliance had been recruited and the function is never missed of control. PG MFI internal control deem to be sound controlled. In addition, in compliance to the PG MFI business plan, PG MFI had injected capital to resilience capital adequacy. Furthermore, the Audit Committee and Risk Committee have been established to sound governance of PG MFI’s executive body.


During COVID-19 pandemic since 2020, most of Financial Institutions have been impacted by this global disease. Among of them, PG MFI is also suffered of this such impact. However, PG MFI maintains its PAR ratio and loan default in the very controlled percentage. Anyway, PG MFI its best effort to follow law and regulation issuing by regulator within the undertaking year. Within this applicable year, PG MFI had been set up the IT Committee in Compliance to the NBC IT Risks Management Guideline. By 2022, PG MFI have planned to accomplish the loan disbursement plan for sustainable grow. Furthermore, to support the PG MFI goals, Some of Product Loan and Service have been reviewed and update as well as new product loan establishment plan follow to current market demand.